Attention, certaines images pourraient heurter la sensibilité des internautes. En tant que photographe spécialisée dans les naissances, Angela Gallo, une Australienne basée à Melbourne, est une habituée des accouchements. Lorsque deux parents lui demandent d’assister à l’arrivée de leur bébé au monde, elle accepte donc immédiatement. Alors, Ils filment le bébé se faire extraire de l’utérus de sa mère par césarienne. Voici les images !!


The first truly gentle cesarean I have seen. It made me weep to see the original caption (music playing, strong ties between Doula and the family, so much support, mother quietly singing to her baby) and feel the connection between all involved. I wish this was available for everyone – please mamas, changes like this are entirely consumer driven. Know better, ask for better, set a better standard for birthing people worldwide. ✨✨✨ Birth does not need to be clinical, rushed hard lined and full of rough handling…let’s make cesarean birth a special place because all birth deserves to be and feel beautiful for baby, mama and family too. 🔥 « This phenomenal birth facilitated & filmed by @fertilugo a OBGYN from Venezuela writes, (translated from Spanish to English), “One of the most common reasons to perform a c-section is the ‘podalica position’ (sitting or breech) which is when the baby is placed with the foot down. It is a position which, no doubt, poses serious problems for vaginal birth, but, however makes it impossible for the baby. We can see in this video a birth, respectful and careful with obstetric maneuvers, and with a vigilance that ensures the safety of the baby and the mother. With patience, listening to the music that the parents choose for this moment, and with the support of the father and their doula, the mother can be held throughout the whole process. After birth the baby can immediately be with his mother. Delayed cord clamping. Early attachment; in union doctor and patient can achieve a birth that is respectful.”

Une publication partagée par Angela Gallo (@angelawombwarrior) le

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